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Lala Deen Dayal
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LDD Photogallery
Deen Dayal is best remembered for his formidable collection of Views of India. For seven years in the 1880s he roamed all over India, exploring its old world cities as well as its virgin vistas; carting heavy load of equipment sometimes in bullock carts from solitary temples to a lonely waterfall; from a serene lake to a bustling town; from monuments to palaces, and left us a valuable legacy. His extensive series of Indian views forms a timeless travelogue of the country.

He had an unerring eye for detail, enormous patience, skill on the job and later in his darkroom where with patient labour he watched his work take shape and come to life in the developing trays
Interior of Dilwara Temple Mount Abu
Interior of Dilwara Temple   
Mount Abu              
Hindu Colonnade at Kutub Delhi Diwan-e-aam Red Fort-Delhi The Taj Mahal from Man Mandir Form, Gwalior
Hindu Colonnade at
      Kutub, Delhi
Diwan-e-aam Red Fort-Delhi The Taj Mahal from
the Riverside, Agra
Man Mandir Form, Gwalior
Ellora Caves, Aurangabad      
    Ellora Caves,
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